IECS is an academic independent institution affiliated with Buenos Aires University (UBA) School of Medicine, which includes a CONICET (Argentina’s Scientific and Technical Research Council) unit. Since 2002, IECS conducts health-related research, education, and technical cooperation activities.


The objective of the IECS is to contribute to the improvement of global health by generating and promoting the use of best scientific evidence.

IECS research projects involve thousands of persons.

IECS’ work has been featured in more than seventy annual Medline indexed journals and over five hundred health technology assessments.

IECS strategic objectives:

  • To increase knowledge through clinical and health research work, at local, regional, and global level.
  • To promote the use of scientific evidence to bridge the gap between available knowledge and decision-making processes.
  • To provide training in clinical and health research, management, and evaluation of health programs and policies.
  • To provide technical support to health care decision makers for the implementation and promotion of clinical practices, health technologies, and health policies to be conducted according to cost-effective, equitable, and high-quality criteria.
  • To promote the participation of users, patients, and the general population in health care decision-making processes.

The IECS contributes to improve the global, national, and regional research agenda with studies reflective of the health priorities and needs of countries with low- and middle-income populations.

IECS activities are funded by international and governmental organizations, academic institutions, and other social security public and private entities like the National Health Institute (NIH), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the European Union (UE), the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), Argentina’s National Cancer Institute (INC), the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF), and the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center.

IECS’s authorities designed and teach the courses that make up the Master’s Course in Clinical Effectiveness offered by the School of Medicine of Universidad de Buenos Aires’ (UBA). This graduate course was created in 1999 and has already produced over 500 Argentine and foreign graduates.

IECS’ academic agenda includes both regular and distance-learning courses and seminars.  At IECS courses professionals specialize in different topics related to quality and safety in medical care, health technology assessment, economic evaluations, systematic reviews, management of healthcare organizations, epidemiology, biostatistics, and health policy.

The IECS is a strong and fast-growing organization devoted to research and education to improve global health offering cooperation from Latin America to the rest of the world.